Wednesday, September 9, 2020

02 The History and the Workings of the U.S Supreme Court

 The History and the Workings of the U.S Supreme Court

The U.S Supreme Court is the top of the Judicial branch. 

Judiciary Act of 1789: Congress has power of the Supreme Court. The first act presented by President George Washington set on having 6 justices who serve. 

First Assemble: Feb 2nd, 1790 this organized the structural procedures.
First Decision: August 3rd, 1791, West vs. Barnes 

Court Justices: 1869, Congress changed the number of seats to 9

Important Supreme Court Cases: 

1857 Dred Scott vs. Sandford
1896 Plessy vs. Furguson
1944 Korematsu vs. United States
1961 Mapp vs. Ohio
2015 Obergefell vs. Hodges

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

01 My Top 5 News Sources

    1. New York Times 


The New York Times is one of the most known news stations globally. It is one of the most main stream networks known. It can be difficult to trust sites that go for the most views. As the media cites fight for the main spot in the news world, I struggle to trust all of what they say; however with the resources and times in the business New York Times is a verified sources and is quite and strong one for college students.

    2. CNN    


Cable News Network or CNN, is an American news station that is used by billions each day. The site can be used for all sorts of information spreading a wide variety of topics. This can also be used for a strong political side. I use this source for any present and political news. 

    3. Reddit    


Reddit is a vast website with an almost endless amount of "subreddits" to enjoy. This site gives                                                                                                          the user the access to learn and read amount anything going on in today's time. From celebrities to technology this site has it all. I personally use this site whenever I want to deep dive into a specific topic, rather than searching for several cites, I can find links and news simultaneously on Reddit.

    4. ESPN Sports Center 


ESPN Sports Center is one of the main primary sources of news for all sports. They are the focal point when it comes to sports. Like all college students, sports are loved by a major population. This site gives instant news and highlights of multiple games simultaneously.

    5. Washington Post    


The Washington Post is primarily a political news site however can be used for a lot of things. This site can be used by anyone searching for leads of the present life. What is so nice about the site is that it is a leaning political side. It is remarkable that this site can be used for bias information. 

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