Sunday, December 6, 2020

Final Blog

Mass surveillance has been a big question for the US government in the past 10 years and the events of Snowdon where the government was seen for their true colors by examining in looking at citizens on information to standard security checks. We as US citizens, have a right to question what are searching for. The government has the power to understand everything about our lives from our daily routines to your search history to even friends of ours. From one single person the government can branch out and find everything from who they are connected to whatever they truly desire. In my personal opinion I think this is a blessing and a curse being that we can feel protected and that the government can’t stop any terrorists prior to an attack yet at the same time they can stock us figure out everything that happens to us. A lot of people think this is a bad thing, however in my mind I don’t believe so. I think the government does what they need to do to protect us in our country in the most respectful way possible. If this wasn’t in democratic country we would be under full control by the government they would blank what we search control our daily lives and so on. Yet that isn’t happening we as US citizens have the freedom of choice and what we believe in. By the first amendment we have the right to free speech say whatever we want whenever. The government does what they need to to guarantee our protection from dangerous threats. The saying “I did what I had to do” is exactly what the government does I do what they have to to protect us.

07 Pioneers of Innovation

The Pioneers of Innovation

            For the innovation I chose was Coal Mining.

The Pioneer Age - The US Virginians 1701 

        Coal Mining began in the US in Virginia in the year 1701. At the time coal mining was seen as brutal toward the workers and was confusing for non-miners. As we discussed in class, when these innovations start the majority of people look past it. That was the same for coal mining. 

The Early Adopters - Local Virginians 

        As coal mining began to make a groove in the Virginians lives. Small groups of men began to work in the mines mining coal. This was the start of a new generation of labor done in the US but as the growth curve shows this is a very slow start.

The Early Majority - Industrial Revolution

    The next step was early majority, in this instance that was the industrial revolution in the US. As a US became more in dire need of coal as an energy source more people join the workforce mining coal. This was where on the growth curve exponential growth occurs skyrocketing amounts of people join the labor union working. 

The Tipping Point - 1880s

    The tipping point of our growth curve what is in the 1880s. As a major group of US citizens male specifically began working in these minds for Coal as our primary energy source.

The Late Majority - 1900s

    Over 90% of our population excepted this innovation was in the 1900s.  As coal mining McCain a standard form of work in the lives of these men. By this point there is no shock to me and working in a coal mine this was a standard life choices and a job at the time.

The Laggards - 2000s

    The laggards were in the 2000s at this point because individuals just beginning to except the innovation of coal mining we’re so far behind. Examples of this would be Colts or small isolated groups of people that did Nied the idea in the innovation of coal mine. For instance it could be groups of people that primarily used wood as a source of fire and energy.


06 History of Video Recording


History of Video Recording

Video Recording is a necessary tool for our media. Prior to video recording, we were only allowed and able to pass news through voice through letter processes that take far too long to spread mass news. The creation of video recording changed the game, it allowed us to spread news at a rate never imagined before. Imagine 2001, September 11th twin towers were attacked in the US base a terrace attack like no other. If we didn’t have our large scale news media and the tools that we have. We would’ve been in total chaos, our president could’ve been dead. We would’ve never known unless you were in the city when it attacked. Personally I was one year old, with my mom at the YMCA for her yoga class in my small town Anderson South Carolina. Without the news Facebook Twitter everything that we had at the time no one would’ve known about the attack you find out weeks later.

Even in our present day 2020, will you Snapchat Twitter Facebook YouTube and Gmail and every news outlet that is offered on the television to understand what happens in our day-to-day lives globally. Video recording and widespread news outlets have saved us from chaos.

It’s hard to imagine what we would do without this. Life as we know it would’ve been different, we wouldn’t even have his class media law and literacy would not be a thing without video recording.

04 AntiWar

Why is it that the News never shares about antiwar?

The longest wars in history for the United States of America were entirely different from anything the country has seen before. Antiwar news websites have been overlooked for the past decade. Groups have been negatively addressed toward the public. It has been a tremendous struggle to have any type of gain in the public's eyes. 

As emphasized in the article I mentioned above, the main reason for the antiwar movement is due to the enemies that the United States has been fighting since the plunge in 2001. 

Groups such as:

-Al Qaeda

-The Taliban

- Saddam Hussein’s regime


It's almost impossible to imagine that there was a time that nations were taken control by groups such as the ones listed above. These groups took all the power and destroyed the greatness in these countries. If you lived in a country that was under the control of these groups you are in constant fear of being killed if you ever stood against their regime. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

03 6 Clauses, or 6 Freedoms, of the First Amendment

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The Black Lives Matter Movement is a political and social movement that's primary goal is to protest the ill conduct between police and black citizens. They focus on the facts that law enforcement abuse their power to demean the black community. 

The Six Clauses of the First Amendment are the absolute six rights written in the First Amendment.

    1. Freedom from Religion

    2. Freedom of Religion 

    3. Freedom of Speech

    4. Freedom of the Press

    5. Freedom of Assembly

    6. Freedom of Petition 

The BLM movement and the Six Clauses can be used simultaneously to work for the benefit of the movement as well as to further provide a safety net for the movement and the black community. As a US citizen, we have to absolute right to say and express our own opinions. Nevertheless, those same rights give us the freedom to protests peacefully. The sad truth is that with everything that is going on, there are groups that abuse their rights and hold violent protests. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

02 The History and the Workings of the U.S Supreme Court

 The History and the Workings of the U.S Supreme Court

The U.S Supreme Court is the top of the Judicial branch. 

Judiciary Act of 1789: Congress has power of the Supreme Court. The first act presented by President George Washington set on having 6 justices who serve. 

First Assemble: Feb 2nd, 1790 this organized the structural procedures.
First Decision: August 3rd, 1791, West vs. Barnes 

Court Justices: 1869, Congress changed the number of seats to 9

Important Supreme Court Cases: 

1857 Dred Scott vs. Sandford
1896 Plessy vs. Furguson
1944 Korematsu vs. United States
1961 Mapp vs. Ohio
2015 Obergefell vs. Hodges

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