Sunday, December 6, 2020

Final Blog

Mass surveillance has been a big question for the US government in the past 10 years and the events of Snowdon where the government was seen for their true colors by examining in looking at citizens on information to standard security checks. We as US citizens, have a right to question what are searching for. The government has the power to understand everything about our lives from our daily routines to your search history to even friends of ours. From one single person the government can branch out and find everything from who they are connected to whatever they truly desire. In my personal opinion I think this is a blessing and a curse being that we can feel protected and that the government can’t stop any terrorists prior to an attack yet at the same time they can stock us figure out everything that happens to us. A lot of people think this is a bad thing, however in my mind I don’t believe so. I think the government does what they need to do to protect us in our country in the most respectful way possible. If this wasn’t in democratic country we would be under full control by the government they would blank what we search control our daily lives and so on. Yet that isn’t happening we as US citizens have the freedom of choice and what we believe in. By the first amendment we have the right to free speech say whatever we want whenever. The government does what they need to to guarantee our protection from dangerous threats. The saying “I did what I had to do” is exactly what the government does I do what they have to to protect us.

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