Sunday, December 6, 2020

07 Pioneers of Innovation

The Pioneers of Innovation

            For the innovation I chose was Coal Mining.

The Pioneer Age - The US Virginians 1701 

        Coal Mining began in the US in Virginia in the year 1701. At the time coal mining was seen as brutal toward the workers and was confusing for non-miners. As we discussed in class, when these innovations start the majority of people look past it. That was the same for coal mining. 

The Early Adopters - Local Virginians 

        As coal mining began to make a groove in the Virginians lives. Small groups of men began to work in the mines mining coal. This was the start of a new generation of labor done in the US but as the growth curve shows this is a very slow start.

The Early Majority - Industrial Revolution

    The next step was early majority, in this instance that was the industrial revolution in the US. As a US became more in dire need of coal as an energy source more people join the workforce mining coal. This was where on the growth curve exponential growth occurs skyrocketing amounts of people join the labor union working. 

The Tipping Point - 1880s

    The tipping point of our growth curve what is in the 1880s. As a major group of US citizens male specifically began working in these minds for Coal as our primary energy source.

The Late Majority - 1900s

    Over 90% of our population excepted this innovation was in the 1900s.  As coal mining McCain a standard form of work in the lives of these men. By this point there is no shock to me and working in a coal mine this was a standard life choices and a job at the time.

The Laggards - 2000s

    The laggards were in the 2000s at this point because individuals just beginning to except the innovation of coal mining we’re so far behind. Examples of this would be Colts or small isolated groups of people that did Nied the idea in the innovation of coal mine. For instance it could be groups of people that primarily used wood as a source of fire and energy.


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